If you are interested in more resources, see these websites curated by those who have walked this journey before.


Children and Teens

Families and ALS: A Guide for Talking with and Supporting Children and Youth

The above links to a resource guide created by The ALS Association to help families living with ALS answer the many questions that may be asked by children and teens, and provide education for the professionals who assist them. A key theme throughout this guide is communication — how to have it, maintain it and include it in everyday life.

ALS Association Youth Education Resources

The ALS Association has created two books for children ages 6-12 and 13-18 to provide age-appropriate education about ALS and encourage conversation. Both books are available for free download here or you can request a free hard copy through the The ALS Association Care Services Order Portal.

School, friends, work and ALS: A young adult guide to balancing life with ALS 

A guide created by The ALS Association for older youth and young adults, ages 19-25. Using real-life stories and quotes, it follows several young adults as they manage their own lives with the care needed for their loved one with ALS. Download a free copy here.